Mifune; Your ISP (Internet Service Provider) set up your cable modem with one specific network card. The first thing to remember is that you MUST use that network card ! Each network card ( No matter who built it ), has a distinct MAC ( Machine Access Code ).  That code is only used on your card. It is not transferrable to another card and it is how your ISP identifies your computer when you're connecting. I just learned this the hard way 2 days ago. There is almost nothing to configure in Mandrake. Go to Drakconf, Network Configuration, find your NIC (Network Interface Card). You don't need to put anything in for Host Name + Domain, or Alias. Make sure that the "Enabled" button is turned on (Pushed in), and make sure that you've selected DHCP as well. That should do it. You can also enter your DNS numbers which you will find on your ISP's web-site. If you have all of that configured, everything should be fine. Make sure that you have not enabled ADSL, PPPOE, or ISDN anywhere is Drakconf. At the worst, you may want to reboot, just to make sure everything is O.K.
That's all.
----- Original Message -----
From: Mifune
Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: [newbie] Internet configuration for Mandrake 7.0

I have installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 on my computer.
I would like to configure my internetconnection using a cable modem.
The only information to do so that I found concerns Mandrake 6.0
This tells me to go to control panel, select network configuration (of course),
and then select interfaces.
But the network configuration panel of Mandrake 7.0 gives me no such option.
I get the options: Basic host information, Name server specifications, Routings and gateways, Host name search path, NIS, IPX interface and PPP/SLP/PIP.
Can somebody help me?

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