Greg Stewart wrote:
> In the past that is how it's been (occasionally--they change things around
> from time to time)... did you download a tarball from netscape?
> I still haven't heard any alerts about a need to upgrade to 4.75, so I'm
> leaving it be for now. I tried NS6.0pre2 and find it unbearably
> slow...although it supports the wheely-mouse now, so I won't have to us
> imwheel.
> --Greg


The alert about 4.74 came out last week. It was about the brown orifice
thing with jpgs. Frankly I found the whole thing a bit anal...Ooooops!
did     I say that?'s early in the morning and I haven't had
quite enough coffee yet.

Anyway, I move up to 4.75 not because of the BO thing, but because 4.74
was so darn buggy! yesterday was the last straw when 3 times it
corrupted the mailrules file and went bazerk! drive me nuts till I
finally got so mad I configured Kmail, copied all my messeges over to
Kmail, setup the filters I needed, and THEN discovered that Kmail didn't
do threads...yet.

Then I decided to give 4.75 a try. It was either that or go back to 4.61
which I never had any troubles with and can't figure out why I even
stopped using that version.

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