Dear Patty; Of course you are not concerned about a MAC address. DSL
technology doesn't rely on MAC addresses to establish an ISP connection.
Only CABLEMODEM's require it. DSL is done on the phone lines, and you
require a piece of software to do it with, ie; Winpoet, PPPOE, and /or
possibly a "Dial-up" connection. That software is the way you "Log-on" to
your ISP. A MAC Address is how cablemodem providers identify their customers
from someone esle's customer. The discussion that ensued was in regards to
which piece of equipment (Network card versus cablemodem), actually contains
the MAC address that the cablemodem ISP's use.  It seems that depending on
the ISP, the MAC address is pulled from one or the other. Thats the facts!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Patti Wavinak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Internet configuration for Mandrake 7.0

We have a DSL isp and it does NOT use the MAC address -- in fact when I
asked Pacbell about it they didn't even know what a MAC address was!! Go
figure!! We have 4 computers set up on our LAN...Larry's, Mine, a
router/firewall, and a file server -- a 5th one (web server) is in the
process of being built. The router/firewall does not have the original
Nic card from pacbell (it was a Kingston and linux really didn't like it)
it has a 3Com and it has an uptime of over 6 months...both Larry and I
connect to the internet with no problem. We both have Mandrake 7.1 on one
drive and Windoze on the other.

Just my $1.00 worth <giggle>

Registered Linux User 184611

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 8/21/00, 9:07:06 AM, Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote regarding Re: [newbie]
Internet configuration for Mandrake 7.0:

> Dunno about cable but some DSL isps DO indeed use the MAC address.

> At 12:15 AM 8/21/00 -0400, you wrote:
> >On Sun, 20 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> > > > The first thing to remember is that you MUST use that network card !
> > > network card ( No matter who built it ), has a distinct MAC ( Machine
> > Access
> > > Code )....and it is how your ISP identifies your computer when you're
> > > connecting.
> >
> >Wrong there.  You can use whatever Nic that you wish.  But with a
> >cable modem, you have to use the same cable modem which has its
> >distinct MAC address not the Nic card.  Just to clarify.
> >
> >Maxtor

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