Maxtor ; As I've been discovering in the last day or two, it seems that different cablemodem providers, apparently use different technologies. If you'd take a minute to check my follow-up post you'd find that I had corrected myself. I'm not trying to start a fuss (although, I'm sure that this email will generate numerous threads), but as much as I was mistaken about there being only one type of ID technology being used by ISP's, you would do well not to make the same mistake. Having had my eyes opened about the different ways that cablemodem providers identify their customers (it seems that there are several ways in which this is done), we can probably agree, however, that it most likely has something to do with MAC addresses. How the ISP's get the job done is irrelevant with the sole exception of whether or not it has an impact on how someone ID's their computer(s) to their ISP. I made the same mistake by assuming that all ISP's use the exact method that Videotron (located in Quebec, Canada), accomplishes this task. To make a blanket statement that I'm wrong seems foolhardy at best. You're obviously making the same mistake, using your ISP's ID method as a reference, and assuming that their system is the only way the job gets done. So, I say to you,...WRONG. But it doesn't matter how they do it, just that it smokes, and let us not forget those blistering download speeds! KEWL !

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