I could be way off base with this, but I just had a thought: You don't
say what you did to prepare your HD. Have you got enough space on your
HD? 2 gb isn't a whole lot of disk space. (I can't believe I just said
that.) My Win98SE installation uses 900 mb and, except for one monster
application, it doesn't have a whole lot on it. Open Explorer, pick C:,
Properties and see how much free space you have. A Mandrake workstation
installation needs 500 mb as the minimum, but 1 gb is preferred. A
server installation would just about take up your whole drive. If space
is the problem, don't give up. Run Scandisk and Defrag. If the first
pass doesn't do it, you may be able to recover some space with some
housekeeping. /temp directories are a good place to hunt.
Again, I apologize if I'm way off base on this, but I had to ask.
-- Carroll Grigsby

> "Cunningham Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to install Mandrake 7.1, but it consistently freezes at the
> > "configuring IDE" installation stage (I have to hit the 'reset' button).
> > I've tried booting from the CDROM and launching from w/in Win98, lin4win and
> > full install, graphical and text install, PnP BIOS off and on, always with
> > the same result.  Any suggestions as to how to fix this (or information
> > resources on the web that deal with installation troubleshooting--haven't
> > found much of that)?  I should admit that I know practically nothing about
> > linux, but thought that the reportedly idiotproof Linux-Mandrake would be a
> > good way to learn.  If the answer is that I'm therefore unqualified to
> > install linux, I won't be offended to hear that.
> >
> > My system:
> >
> > Pentium Pro 200, 64M RAM
> > Intel motherboard, Intel BIOS
> > 2.0G WDC HD
> > Mitsumi CDROM
> > Intel PCI busmaster IDE
> > N9 Imagine 128(Series 2)
> > Ensoniq AudioPCI
> > Win98
> >
> > Thanks

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