Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> Mike:
> I could be way off base with this, but I just had a thought: You don't
> say what you did to prepare your HD. Have you got enough space on your
> HD? 2 gb isn't a whole lot of disk space. (I can't believe I just said
> that.) My Win98SE installation uses 900 mb and, except for one monster
> application, it doesn't have a whole lot on it. Open Explorer, pick C:,
> Properties and see how much free space you have. A Mandrake workstation
> installation needs 500 mb as the minimum, but 1 gb is preferred. A
> server installation would just about take up your whole drive. If space
> is the problem, don't give up. Run Scandisk and Defrag. If the first
> pass doesn't do it, you may be able to recover some space with some
> housekeeping. /temp directories are a good place to hunt.
> Again, I apologize if I'm way off base on this, but I had to ask.
> -- Carroll Grigsby
> >
> > "Cunningham Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm trying to install Mandrake 7.1, but it consistently freezes at the
> > > "configuring IDE" installation stage (I have to hit the 'reset' button).
> > > I've tried booting from the CDROM and launching from w/in Win98, lin4win and
> >
> > > full install, graphical and text install, PnP BIOS off and on, always with
> > > the same result.  Any suggestions as to how to fix this (or information
> > > resources on the web that deal with installation troubleshooting--haven't
> > > found much of that)?  I should admit that I know practically nothing about
> > > linux, but thought that the reportedly idiotproof Linux-Mandrake would be a
I have that pb too. No way to detect my IDE HD's !
This for an upgrade from 7 to 7.1, so nothing todo with
There is something wrong with the install proc. 
Eric MC

> >
> > > good way to learn.  If the answer is that I'm therefore unqualified to
> > > install linux, I won't be offended to hear that.
> > >
> > > My system:
> > >
> > > Pentium Pro 200, 64M RAM
> > > Intel motherboard, Intel BIOS
> > > 2.0G WDC HD
> > > Mitsumi CDROM
> > > Intel PCI busmaster IDE
> > > N9 Imagine 128(Series 2)
> > > Ensoniq AudioPCI
> > > Win98
> > >
> > > Thanks

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