OK, I take it you've switched the box connecting to the internet? If this is
working, that's not a problem.

You don't really need pmfirewall on both machines...only the one doing the

> I had to disable serials ports in the Bios to get both PCI Devices to work
(NIC and Modem).

I'll assume you did this on "Box1"

You have the printer on Box2, which is connecting to the internet, and
running linux.
What are you running now on Box1? If it's windows, then we'll need to set up
samba. If it's linux all-round then I think filesystem mounting will need
nfs set up (I'm not too sure about this--I'll look into it) and for printing
you'll need the lpd and lpq set up correctly on each machine. We can also do
this with samba if we need to.

Samba can be either easy, or complicated, depending on what level of
configuration you want. Also, if we edit the samba.conf file manually, it'll
take a bit of tweaking. I'll need to brush up on both before we tackle this

For the printer, you should be able to go into DrakConf, and add the
printer, local for Box2, and set the lpq on Box1 (line printer queue) to
Box2's lpq.

I'm not well versed in linux printing--cause I haven't tried it yet...and
when I do, it'll be a far different story for me since my two printers are
on an HP JetDirect printserver...not connected to a computer.

I'll brish up and get back to you.


> Hi Greg,
> Things seems to be working. I.m not using DHCP and not enabled in
> pmfirewall. Is that all right?
> Box 2----- I've also have linux on it, and want to access it thru linux.
> Box2 also has the printer attached to it that I want to use.
> I got Box2  where it can access the internet and network. I had to disable
> serials ports in the Bios to get both PCI Devices to work (NIC and Modem).
> I installed pmfirewall on box2 with same options I used on Box 1.
> Now--- I want to access Box2 printer  and be able to mount  both computers
> from each other. When I try to print from Box 1 to box2 printer I get
> "unable to get offical name for local machine  Intel.localdomain"
> Names
> Box1= Intel.localdomain
> Box2=Athlon.localdomain
> As always any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Bob

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