Please give more details for the help you need...What kind of laptop?
Memory?  Processor, etc...

You're describing an XServer issue at the very last part of the install.  If
you have chosen the graphical install, you have the chance to say that your
choices are NOT correct and choose to correct them.  Here, you can choose
the mouse that will work.  I have a TP600 and chose the PS/2 without
problem.  You might need some other choice for your install to work.

Write back with more information.

Steve Weltman
(from Beijing)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 9:12 PM
Subject: [newbie] Installation

> Hi
> I am installing Linux mandreake to laptop and every time the system hange
> on the PS/2 mouse options.  I have changed the mouse but with no defrant.
> Hussain Ibrahim
> Tele2 UK
> Tel: 0118 923 8100
> Ex: 222

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