On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Juggernaut wrote:

>I'm using Mandrake 7.0 And then, if I want to access Netscape Communicator
>(not Netscape Navigator, because my GNOME has 3 icon for Netscape), it will
>freeze up. There is an information about 'reading file' at the left corner.
>And Netscape does not show anything (blank). But if I open Netscape
>navigator, it work fine. Anyone can help me ?
>BTW, are there any deferentitation between Netscape  Navigator and Netscape
>Communicator ?

I have communicator also, and that freezes at times also, but not all the
time. I don't use the other parts, just the browser.

If work is so terrific,
how come they have to pay you to do it?

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