> 1. When I issue the Shutdown command from the console of KDE desktop, it 
> will close X-Windows and restarts (without rebootng) Linux in character 
> based single user mode. Here it automatically logins as root without asking 
> any password, even if I was logged as a normal user when issuing shutdown 
> command. It may create a security problem. Why is it so?

The correct shutdown command should be typed in the command line and
look like this:

        shutdown now -h    <ENTER>

When the command line reads


you're free to turn off the machine with doing any damage to the file

> 2. When I browse the net using Navigator, some times after visiting several 
> sites my hard will begin to read continously. After that Navigator hangs and 
> I can't even kill it. Sometimes the whole system will not respond at all. My 
> system has Windows 98 running on another partition, which shows no problem 
> while browsing.

First, what version of Netscape are you running? Secondly, there is a
program listed in the menu under Applications ->Monitoring ->Process
management. This program will show you all the processes running when
Netscaoe freezes and you will be able to kill the runaway process.

If your desktop locks up and you can't get anything to work there are
several things you can do without resorting to a hard boot.

1) CTRL-ALT-F1  will take you to a console login prompt. FRom here you can
login as root and find out the offending process and kill it.

you can find it by issuing the command 'top' on the command line, read the
CPU usage percentage, type 'k' and then supply the PID which is listed
down the left side of the display.

2) when that's accomplished you can get back the X graphical login, if in
fact this is the method you're using to log into your machine. This is
done by performing the following steps:


This will restart X and you will be delivered to the X-windows login

I seriously doubt that windows has anything what-so-ever to do with your
troubles. It sounds alot like the problems a lot of folks are experiencing
to one degree or another with Netscape though.

As far as Netscape goes, if all else fails uninstall the version of
Netscape you're running and install Communicator 4.61. That version at
least is stable enough that it won't give you the troubles you're having
at the moment. There is also the alternative of running Mozilla which is
very fast surpassing recent releases of Netscape Communicator and Netscape
6. The difference in the two are these:

Netscape Communicator & Netscape 6 are being coded and released by AOL. In
plain words since AOL bought Netscape took over the reigns Netscape
Communicator has gone to hell in a hand-basket. It sucks and it isn't
getting any better.

Mozilla in the other hand is still being coded by a lot of Netscapes'
original programmers as well as the open source community and programmers
all over the world that adhere to the original programming standards that
USED to be Netscape. The Mozilla project is progressing beautifuly. The
latest release, M17, while being somewhat resource hungry, is quite nice
in appearence and functionality. The nightly releases of M18 are getting
even better. It's not quite there yet, but from what I've seen so far it's
going to be GREAT browser/email client/editor suite when it's finished.


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