> > <serious snipping>
> Wow, you guys either have really cheap rent or expensive ram!!!

Back then (early 90s) we were paying 80ukp per megabyte.  This equates
to about 130usd.  My rent at that time was 220ukp (about 350usd) a month
for a single bedroom apartment.

Even today, prices for computer equipment in the UK is significantly
more than in the USA.  The general rule of thumb is that the Brits pay
in ukp what the Americans pay in usd, i.e, a machine costing 1000usd in
the US would cost about 1000ukp in the UK.

> > My main concern is aimed at those who have to pay for their on-line
> > time.  <SNIP> Too many off-topic posts used to cost me
> > a fortune.
> I was under the impression you could setup you email deliveray to not
> <ot> mails?

That depended on a lot of things, such as mail software and mailbox
type.  I was running Windoze with Outlook Express connecting to a POP3
mailbox.  The software had to download the message before it could check
whether to file it, delete it, etc.

> The bastards ...... did you consider giving one of the new technology
> previews a shot?  check out both Caldera an ummm RH.  <preparing to
run and
> duck from incoming bricks :)>

Well, hopefully I'll be sorted financially soon, so it would cease to be
an issue.

> > What to you think?
> A linux rants list sounds like a lot of fun :)  I guess I could run it
off my dsl after I finish security
> setup on it.  I'm currently just logging on and off in short bursts
..... trying to fly low.

No problem.

I'll see how things go here; whoever is ready first could do the


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