Mads Rasmussen wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Youīre right !
> Boot should be smaller :o)
> /home ??? - I donīt think that itīs that important for a single user system
> (workstation) but I would confess that I myself have a huge home partition.
> It is as you say nice for data files and projects.
> I like splitting up / (root), /usr and /usr/local because I can upgrade my
> system more easy without reinstalling all packages.
> When I started out on linux I had the setup you recommended but I found it
> tedious to reinstall everything every time I had to upgrade.
> Itīs just a suggestion, your setup will work nicely, no doubt about that,
> and after all that was just what the guy was asking for.

You that I think about it I think I'm seeing the great
advantage to why you've defined the /usr and /usr/local partitions. I
see now how that would save a great deal of time when reloading or
updating a system. Good call!
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