You already got the second part answered, but I think the reason all those
.xvpics directories are in your folders is because The GIMP puts them there for
some reason. I noticed that too when I was uploading my website to my hoster,
and I was wondering why it was taking so long. From what I've seen, The GIMP
will put one of those directories into each directory in which you've opened or
saved a picture to. So if you have a picture in /home/bob/pictures, then GIMP
would create a .xvpics folder in /home/bob/pictures/.xvpics. I don't know why
it does that, or why it's .xvpics instead of .gimp or something, but I do know
what your talking about. 

> I need to delete a bunch of directories called .xvpics that has
> somehow got scattered all over my system (I don't know how)
> I don't want these dirs in there, they take up space, and I
> want them gone.
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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