Larry Marshall wrote:
> > Long time since I worked exclusively at the command prompt - grin!!!
> I suppose I'll get used to using all those graphical "aids" but I'm
> comfortable at a Unix commandline, I was taught that one only logged
> in as root under the most dire of circumstances, am too lazy to dump
> out of X and restart just to do sys admin stuff, and have found some
> of the graphic config stuff to be a bit flakey and just add another
> layer of confusion to the situation.  I guess there's also a side of
> me that wonders what the effects of the interface debates will be on
> accrued knowledge of these graphical config tools.  Opinions?

I agree regarding the root login - however seems that even in the GUIs
one needs to violate the conventions now and then.

I run single user here so the security issues are less of a concern,
if I can't fix what I just stuffed up - I reload the opsys. I have
all my valuable data on a separate partition on another harddisk along
with those config files I regard as indispensable (these I backup before
I tweak.

Interface debates?? I just don't bother with them, I use KDE for my
primary user and Icewm for my secondary (which is used for maillist
stuff), I find KDE does most of what I want. It's a bit slow on this
beast (Pentium 133) but I can put up with that. I looked at the other
managers(?) but came back to KDE mostly cause I'm still tweaking <grin>.

> > What I have noticed is that on successive re-installs there appears to
> > be some kind of randomness involved in whether those icons are set up
> > or not. Sometimes they are set up sometimes not.
> This does appear to be the case.  All is well in Larry-land though as
> I now have penguin icons when I log in.  Now the only question is why
> do I want penguin icons when I log in (grin).

mirrored grin from the South Pacific!!! 

> > It's a bit like that other annoyance where suddenly for no apparent
> > reason the taskbar changes from 'tiny'to the standard, or that some apps
> Ah...I'm not losing my mind.

Nope - definitely not (maybe displaced temporarily is the wee small
but not lost <grin>

Probably the quirk which bugs more than any other is a form of key
bounce from the mouse. I am partially disabled and don't have total
control of my hands and fingers. Frequently I'll get several instances
of an application startup. Good example a short time ago when I went to
get my mail (I use Netscape). PC had been shutdown (power miser).
logged on, clicked on the NS Icon and within a few seconds had a runaway
by the time I got control I had four lines of little Ns instances
my screen from the top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!

I've posted a couple of times looking for a fix to slow the double-click
timing, but without luck. I know there at least one other user out there
with the same problem as I have and who wants a similar fix.
> > I have come to regard this as a variation of Myalgic Molythic
> > Gatesism!!!!
> I like it!

Thought someone might appreciate it....


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