>>>>> On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, "Roman" == Romanator wrote:

  Roman> Any thoughts on what your favorite email package is and why?

Well, I have two - Exmh and Mutt.  I can go through about 500 pieces of
mail each morning in about 15 minutes.  Both are extremely powerful,
complete with all the latest goodies, i.e. PGP/MINE., key remapping,  
support for your favorite editor, etc.

Exmh will let you read in-line html format too.  Mutt supports terminal
use, as well as very colorful X use, and also mh style of mail, so all are
interchanable with the mail folders, as I use procmail.  Mutt also has the
use of very powerful hooks, which makes mail a breeze, totally automating
everything.   I can set up profiles based on certain criteria, to include 
anything from sig lines, to GPG / PGP keys, email addresses, actually 
anythng.  I sometimes use XEmacs <g>  also.  

Best regards,

Today's thought: Chaos, panic, pandemonium - my work here is done.

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