Larry Marshall wrote:
> I've seen reference to Midnight Commander but haven't tracked it
> down.  It sounds like it would serve as an intermediate between a GUI
> filewindow and doing a whole lot of cd-ing.

Just type 'mc' at your terminal prompt - it should be part of the
standard install. It's almost exactly like the Dos equiv. - a few 
shortcuts have been implemented differently - but it sure makes
navigation easy.
> > As for your two neurons - do you walk on yours?? Like me ??
> I'll have to give that a try.

It's fun when you leave your props behind <grin>
> > I've recently returned to ?nix after being burned on four occassions by
> > confusion still arises - hence my re-install count is 29 !!!! since
> > April!!
> I'm really new back to Unix myself.  Have also done a bunch of
> installs, taking a look at the various distributions, looking at
> what's installed under various conditions, and just trying to learn
> how Linux works.

I've only looked at Mandrake, I brought a copy of the Macmillan 6.5
package while in MA and NH in December, liked what I saw - I've since
moved to 7.0 - and thinking about the move to 7.1.
> The motivation for a bunch of this is unclear to me.  For instance,
> they've maintained the "." designation for control files for
> everything except Linux itself.  Maybe my memory is poor but it also
> seems that there is no consistency in the use of /usr/bin,
> /usr/local/bin and other directories of that ilk.

I'm not ofay with the history of Linux - I suspect that Linus
may have been avoiding copyright issues. Sure catches me still but
less and less

> Then I get
> something like Star Office, that comes as a binary and it just dumps
> itself all over the place in the location where you point it.   I'm
> whining but give me a tarball with proper paths and standard path
> designations any day.  Is it my imagination or is the Red Hat
> distribution different from Mandrake in its path locations?

I pulled Star Office from Sun in 7 tarballs way back (ver 5.1). I
do like it even if it takes an age to load up on this old beast.

RedHat/Mandrake paths?? dunno, I assumed that because L-M was a
sub/super set of RH that they'd be pretty much the same - Bit
like the difference between say a Holden Commodore and a Chevvy
Lumina - labels and trim... and both modeled off an Opel !!!

> > Environment" by Kerningham and Pike, which I think I aquired at my first
> > System Admin course way back in the early 80's.
> You were into Unix before I was.  I first started working with Unix
> when I put a Sparcstation on my desk to develop for forest service
> clients.  Quite a shock as I'd never done any multi-user OS stuff and
> the 20+ volumes of documentation that came with the machine seemed a
> sea of "stuff."  I chuckle when I see people here trying to do Linux
> without advanced reading :-)

Boy, do I remember those days - sigh...............................
> Since you've got a long history with Unix and have been into Linux
> longer than I, maybe you can advise regarding some of the graphics
> toolsets and which I should concentrate on.  I did a bunch of work
> with tcl/tk way back when but there was no QT then and Perl was just
> beginning to be developed so I never had to interface Perl with any of
> it.
> Should I want to or is writing vanilla C++ with one of the graphics
> packages the way to go?  Should I spend my time learning QT or just
> bring myself up to speed with current versions of tcl/tk?  So much to
> learn.

Problem here is that I don't think I'm qualified any longer to venture
an opinion where programming languages are concerned - too long away.

I guess the only opinion/comment I would make in this area is that
programming in whatever language is a young persons'domain for the
most part. I think many of us oldies are too set in our ways to
make the mental shifts.

I look at some of the code here and go to the fridge for a beer after
5 minutes just to stop the headhurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment - We must be about due for a flame here - something about
wasting bandwidth on reminiscing.


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