At 03:00 AM 9/11/00 +1200, John Rye wrote:

John - you nailed my netscape problem solidly. Thanks. However, the modem 
is still connecting at 28.8.  A friend who has installed a couple of linux 
systems in his day says there is some config file out there which has a max 
speed  set too low for the USR, and wont let me set my speed higher until I 
find and fix that one.  Any ideas on the name?

>Charles Oriez wrote:
> >
> > I'm also having a problem with a US Robotics 56kb modem.
> >
> > Connecting via linux I get 28.8 connection speed.  via winblows it usually
> > gets in the 49-51kb range.
> >
> > All other variables would seem to be the same
> >
> > same ISP
> > same dialin number
> > same x2 protocol
> > same COM4
> > same PC
> >
> > ideas?
>Yup. How is your dialer proggy set up.
>Kppp - you really need to fill all the gaps.
>Ensure your modem is properly addressed by the opsys.
>Remember that Com4 is /dev/ttyS3, That you are better off _NOT_
>to use /dev/modem. Make sure that you have the correct handshaking -
>hardware not software eg crtscts.
> > Also, netscape doesn't want to resolve my dns when connected to my ISP.  I
> > suspect I have to define a name server somewhere, but where? I assume I use
> > my ISP's name server.
>Have you made sure you have the ISP's correct IP numbers in
>Should read something like this:
>     domain
>     nameserver 123.456.789.000
>     nameserver 123.567.890.123
>Have you entered all of the Identity info under edit-->preferences.
> >
> > --
> > If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
>Try New Zealand for a start - we small -we got great skiing - we are
>  <grin>
>ICQ# 89345394     Mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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