
I'm having a weird problem.  When I boot and then start X, my gnome/sawmill
won't open up.  It comes up to a blue screen with the little X in the middle
and just sets there forever until I do a ctrl-alt-bkspace and kill it.  I
can then do a startx and it comes up to the blue screen and then loads gnome
and sawmill right away.  It never opens up the first time I load it, but
always the second.  Has anyone ever experienced this?  It's not much trouble
to shut it down out of X once and start it again, but it would be nice to
have it fixed.  I've even reloaded once to see if this would fix the issue
and it didn't, same thing.  Please note that when I say blue screen, I mean
the default window manager color and not the M$ thing.  I'm not doing the
winlinux.  I've switched to KDE and it loads the first time I start X, only
problems with Gnome/Sawmill.  Oh by the way, I've tried it with
Enlightenment also and it does the same.  Any help would be appreciated.


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