On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:

 did you try issueing the "./hgb3_0-linux.sfx command" ?  the ./ command is to
run the script.
 > > 
> > well,   first thing is that I downloaded the JDK-1.1.6  the glibc kind.  After
> > I got that squared away.  I go into root and changed the file permission using
> > "chmod +x hjb3-0-linux.sfx"  then  I issued "hjb3_0-linux.sfx jdk-location" 
> > when I say jdk-location   you have to give it where the JDK-1.1.6 is located in
> > your linux filesystem.  for instance,  my JDK-1.1.6 is located in
> > /usr/jdk115   so I issued   "hjb3_3-0-linux.sfx /usr/jdk116"     I realized
> > that I couldnt pull up the browser while I'm a user.  so I had to issued a su
> > command to pull it from there.  in other word, I had to be a root user to pull
> > up that which I dont think that is a good idea.  I'm still trying to figure out
> > how I can pull up the browser while in user mode and not as root.   Hope I am
> > of help for you.
> > 
> Thanks for the reply Rob, the "chmod" works okay but that's as far as I get. 
> Although I do exactly as you suggest and as Sun say on their web site all I get
> is "no such file or directory".  I have tried all sorts of variations, checked
> to see I have the right files etc., but nothing - what a bummer, especially as
> I used Hot Java with Windoze and found it to be a good browser.  Anyway, thanks
> for your time, I appreciate it.
> Regards
> Roger

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