this is not an advertisement, it's in spanish.
This person would like some information on where he can get the drivers for the
Viper II Z200 of diamond. Here is the translation:

"Newbie group:
I need that you inform me, to know if you could send me or inform me in which
web I can download the drivers so that I can start Linux Mandrake in grafical
mode because the program doesn't recognise my colour board. It's the VIPER II
Z200 of diamond.
I hope that you can help me, because if it's not possible y will not be able
to run Linux on my pc.
Thank you very much. Fernando Vasconcelos."

 I can speak spanish but I don't know where to get this information, so I
can't help him. If someone does and he doesn't understand then I can help with
the translation.

Fernando, no sé dónde puedes conseguir los drivers, puedes probar en Google y
buscar desde ahí. De todas formas lo que si puedo hacer es ayudarte si hay cosas
que no entiendas  porque estén en inglés, aunque al parecer tú si que hablas
inglés, en cuyo caso creo que si posteas en inglés seguro que consigues más
respuestas, aunque ya se que no es lo mismo entender que hablar o escribir, es
mucho más fácil lo primero que lo segundo, de hecho cuando aprendemos un idioma
nuevo lo primero que hacemos es entender y luego empezamos a hablar, escribir,
 Un saludo y mucha suerte,
Ah! y no te preocupes si ves que hay gente que no le gusta que escribas en
español en la lista, siempre tiene que haber de todo (me refiero a toda clase
de personas). Seguro que en esta lista también hay gente dispuesta a ayudarte.
Si quieres tambien puedes escribirme directamente a mi dirección.

TRANSLATION OF MY REPLY (just in case......):

"Fernando, I don't know where you can get the drivers, you can try in Google and
search from there. Anyway what I CAN do is help you translate if there are
things that you don't understand because they are in english, although
apparently you do speak english, and in this case I think that if you post in
english sure you would get more answers. I know that it's not the same to
understand than to speak or write, the first thing is much easier, in fact when
we learn a new language the first thing we do is understand and THEN we start
speaking, writing, etc....

Cheers and good luck,

Ah! and don't worry if you see that there are people that don't like it if you
write in spanish to the list, there always must be all sort of things (I mean
all sort of people). Sure that on this list there are also people that will
offer you some help. If you want you can also write to me directly to my

P.S.: I've translated this so EVERYONE can read what I wrote in spanish, as
I've posted this to the list and not to this person privatly.

Cheers, and "buen rollito" (this is a spanish sort of modern expression that
the young people use a lot now, it means something like "good vibrations" in a
more slang way, I supose you know what I mean, don't you?)


El jue, 14 sep 2000, escribiste:
> I don't think it's an advertisement.  Maybe something about getting the
> Viper II to work in 7.1?
> dwyatt
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 8:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] Solicitar información
> > what the heck!!!!!!!!
> > buddy this is an english speaking news group and we dont like
> advertisements!
> >

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