Pretty good translation Vic. That is what it says. At the end of the message he states 
that he can understand english and italian. 

So if any help is coming, english would be fine.

I was at Diamond's home page and only found Win drivers.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Vic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 11:26 PM
>Subject: My pitiful attempt at translatingRe: [newbie] Solicitar
>I think he is saying something to the effect of:
>"It is necessary to inform me about where can I download drivers for
>the VIPER II Z200"  
>because his video card does not operate in
>graphics mode.
>and he says many thanks.
>Sorry if this is not a very good translation, I tried to roughly
>translate, I know very little Spanish, which I think is whaat he
>speaks, or a variation of it.
>I may be wrong, any Spanish speakers out there
>that can translate better than I can please do help.
>On Mon, 11 Sep 2000, you wrote:
>> Grupo newbie: Necesito que me informen, para saber si 
>ustedes me podrían enviar o informarme en que web puedo 
>bajarme los ''drivers'' para que pueda iniciar linux mandrake 
>en modo gráfico ya el programa no reconoce mi placa de color. 
>Esta es la VIPER II Z200 de diamond.
>> Espero que me puedan ayudar, ya que, si no es posible no 
>podré correr Linux en mi computadora.
>> Muchas Gracias. Fernando Vasconcelos.
>> Mi dirección es [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> PD: puedo entender ingles e italiano 
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