Denis Havlik wrote:
> Hi Folks,
Amen, Denis
You perfectly summarized my feelings on this. BTW, though I couldnt help
with the question, Babelfish gave me a fairly clear idea of his
question. A neat resource!!

> I am really sorry to see such a flamethread over a guy who posted a
> question in spanish. So what? We are supposed to be a friendly bunch of
> linuxers, not a bunch of wicked old men who have nothing better to do than
> flame-ing each other.
> If you don't understand Spanish, ignore it, if you do answer the guy, and
> all are happy. If/when spanish questions start popping up very often,
> spanish people will get a separate list, just as germans, frenchs and
> italians already have. Relax. Don't be lusers.
> yours
>         Denis

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