> Can linux see an NTFS filesystem and the for NT of Linux?
> Regards,
> John

If your kernel is compiled with NTFS read support, then 'yes'. If you go to
recommpile your kernel you will see read and write options for NTFS. Slect
the 'Read' option, but DO NOT (sorry for yelling) select the 'Write' option.

NTFS write capability is still experimental under linux, and I believe even
under NT. :-)
It is best to leave your NTFS partition in tact, and only read from it.

As for the other way 'round...well, no. It's Microsoft aafter all, and they
haven't even bothered to add a Service Pack update that allows FS Read from
Fat32 for NT. Don't expect that they'll allow users to see a competitor's
file system without a network share. W2K will not even see non-MS file
systems.And royally screws up MS FSes in the background.

Why did MS certify me?


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