Menu Editor (Where?)

Steven Adcock writes "Hey, I don't know about the rest of you, but where is that 
fabulous menu editor, which should appear when you click on the "K" menus properties.  
I have the two install CD's and have installed their entire contents but I cannot get 
the menu editor.  Does anyone else get that less fabulous "OOPS The Menu Editor Is Not 
If not does anyone know how to get it???

Drop us an email [EMAIL PROTECTED] "

COMMENT: Depends... 

On first beta, I am not even sure if the menu editor was working correctly. 
On second beta (current), maybe it did not get installed due to some dependencies 
problems. Run "urpmi menudrake" to get it installed, and don't worry - this problem 
has been solved in the meantime, so I beleive that 3-rd beta (in a week or so) will 
install menu editor withouth problems.

As for dropping e-mails... I don't do that. Subscribe to "forum" mailing list, and you 
will be informed of all the new stories here.

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