On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Robert \"JTBob\" Holland wrote:
> Hi,
> I was installing StarOffice 5.2 when it got to the point
> of not finding a Java environment. So I go to the Java
> site and download JRE 1.3 from Sun. It has a .rpm
> file and I run rpm to install the file.
> Ok, so I try the StarOffice installation again, but it
> still can't find the Java. I can browse, but I don't
> know where the files were placed when rpm installed
> them.
> How do I find out where the Java Run-time Environment
> was placed? Is there a way to see where rpm put the
> files?
> Thanks,
> Robert

you can see the package listing from any rpm by using the -ql option for
rpm command .... example:  rpm -ql <package name> also ... if you want to
monitor the installation of an RPM to see where its installing to (as well
as some other good messages) run rpm with multiple "v" options (level of
verbosity)  try something like this when you do the next install:

rpm -ivvvh <package name>  (or Uvvvh if it is an upgrade)
Hope this helps,

Lonny Selinger

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