Ok, then you will front the money so if the CD sucks,
I won't lose any money right?

Plus you need to address Charley Fachsell in your
flame, he is the idiot roommate of mine who
likes to use my computer without my permission,
and then overglorify his crappy winblows box.

On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> Oh...I don't know...buy the CD at the music store?
> Sorry, but I just couldn't resist. I am 100% against this whole Napster
> thing. I think the whole mess is a HUGE copyright infringment.
> -- 
> Mark
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed     | ICQ#27816299
> ** <_||_> in the making of this               |
> **  =\/=  message...                  | Registered Linux user #182496
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Vic wrote:
> > What can I do to fix it?
> > 
> > On Thu, 14 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > > maybe for you it works fine for the rest of the world
> > 
> >

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