Dacia and AzureRose wrote:
> Linux is fast with 128 megs.  It is much faster with
> 256 and when you put 384 in it really starts to cook.
> I imagine that a 'hammer with a gig of ram would
> pretty much do everything right as the thought to do
> it first crossed your mind.
> Imagine a world where X and netscape don't push you
> into swap even though you've got enough ram to power a
> small third world nation.

Something just occured to me as I reading through this post again.
(no... I know what you're thinking and that's not it...I was cleaning up
my mail and this happened to catch my attention.) Anyway, at the moment
I'm running SETI@home, which is very resource intensive, Pine, and
Netscape (browser, and email) AND a download, and I haven't even touched
my Swap space yet. I've only got 64MB of RAM in this old box.  :)
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