> In a message dated 16-Sep-00 08:52:10 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> << The AOL Client for linux is called Gamera, it's not released in America
> yet,
>  though it's been seen before around here because from what I understand an
>  employee who was testing it had posted it around the internet.  I've seen it
>  before many times, just goto your favorite search engine and search for
>  "Gamera" you'll find what you need hopefully. >>
> here is what i found when typing gamera in a search engine
> Godzilla Net/Gamera Net
> Photographs, movie reviews and movie posters for Godzilla and Gamera movies,
> as well as for other Japanese monster movies.
> http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/kpettipa
> Show me more like this
> The Shrine of Gamera
> A site for the Gamera fan.
> http://kyle.cinemazone.com/gamera
> Show me more like this
> Gamera: Guardian of the Universe
> Up-to date info on Gamera and Godzilla : 2000, plus links on Kaiju-related
> toys.
> http://expage.com/gamera
> Show me more like this
> GAMERA Index to Kaiju-DIRECT!
> Links to The Guardian of the Universe's many sites on the World Wide Web.
> http://www2.arkansas.net/~gsraptor/gamera.html
> Show me more like this
> The Gamera Home Page
> This page is dedicated to the star of nine classic Japanese films, Gamera.
> http://tswww.cc.emory.edu/~kgowen/gamera.html
> Show me more like this
> i think you may of stated a slightly different name or my serach engine just
> cant seem to find it in a world of gamera lizzards and japaneese singers

Wow and Yikes!!


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