On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, markOpoleO wrote:

COM1 is TTY0, so COM5 should be TTY4.


>I got MD7.1 installed and was trying to install my Zoom PCI (NON-winmodem)
>card, it came with instructions on how to set it up in linux, so i followed
>them BUT there are only 4 serail ports on linux and my modem happens to be
>on COM 5..ttyS5 i think it would be?  Is the correct?  So it tells me to
>type in this command to make it # ./MAKEDEV ttyS5 so i do it..but it still
>does not show up in the Internet option to choose to connect to the net.  Do
>i have to compile the kernal again to get it to reconize it because it
>mentions "some" distributions you have to.

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Wisdom is lost in toxic words spread by poison-mongers,
in unthinking words spread by empty headed non thinkers,
and by those who have the truth but do not speak it.
-Modern Celtic Triad

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