Paul Bary wrote:
> One of the few things I don't care for with Mandrake is the large number
> of apps it installs by default that are of little use to me. Couple this
> the seeming all or nothing selection process and
> the lack of documnetation (that I can find) on exactly what is included
> in the Misc category or not installed with the available
> percentage of options and I always wind up with a very cluttered menu
> stucture. I was wondering if the boxed set includes any more app
> selection information...if so it would certinly be worth the price to
> me.
> --
> Paul Bary

Paul Bary


I'll give the expert mode a try on a reinstall...sorry I missed
something so obvious but thanks to all who helped for the advice  AND
for not beating me up too badly!


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