Hello to all that may be concern about LICQ and why it's isnt working properly.

I had went to the MDK 7.2 Beta and downloaded all the LICQ and Qt2 files but I
was missing two other files which were libcrypto.so.0 and libssl.so.0.  There
were no such file that I can find on MDK.  I did a search on the crypto files
but the only thing I found was a cryptographic files which I had to go to a
mirror from another country and downloaded OpenSSL-0.9.5a-3mdk.i586.rpm which
had those two single files.   Finally   I downloaded that and QT2 file. 
Uninstalled LICQ data files and upgrade the rest of them.   Ran it and works
beautifully.  Features looked better than the old one.  Looks similar but has
some added features to it.  Hmmm   this one used the cryp technology.  how
interesting..  hehe  well  go check it out.


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