I've only used their support once and got a timely and very helpful

> I am by now an "old hand" :-) at installing, configuring and
> reinstalling my Linux, etc. But even for an "old hand", it would seem
> that 2 incidents are just not enough. For a newbie, this is, I believe,
> terribly unfair. He/she certainly deserves a lot more than that. I would
> suggest at least 10 incidents per user.

I've been following this list for a while and it's certainly the case
that many newbies need a lot of help.  Much of it stems from a
reluctance to look for an answer themselves.  It's clear that many
don't read even as much as the manual that comes with ML, let alone
anything else.  In my opinion, a tech support line should not deal
with these problems.

Let me ask you a couple questions.  How much did you pay for ML7.1? 
Doing so got you a set of disks and a book.  How much do you think is
left over to pay for tech support?  Even if you deal with basic costs
do you think there's $20 there for tech support?  That would buy 20
minutes of my time; how about yours?

These simple economic realities get in the way of being critical of
the support coming with these products in my opinion.  If you want it
to change you should suggest that Mandrake should sell for $100-150
and provide better support.  In that way they could accommodate you. 
By contrast, you get to pay that for an upgrade to Windows and you get
NO support.  

Thus, I'm thrilled with what Macmillan/Mandrake are doing and I hope
they keep doing it just like they are...well and inexpensive.

Cheers --- Larry

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