Seeing how I am going to install Linux this weekend I have a question
pertaining to multiple hard drives.
  I have 3 HD's that will be on the Linux box 6gb, 7gb & 30gb. In windows I
normally partition the 30gb  into 4 7gb partitions so I have smaller
clusters and am not wasting space.

Do I need to do this with the 30gb drive under Linux? Or can I just use one


It all depends on what you want to do  =)   you _should_ have at least a
/boot  /  swap and /home.  The benifit to having a home partition is not
only to keep user specific data sepperate from your system working dir "/"
but also this allows you to set quotas on that particular partition.
Keeping a /boot partition (rather than just having the system assign one
under /) allows for easy manipulation of boot specific info (also in the
event that you have to do a recovery it makes things a little easier) I
tend to keep another sepperate partition for applications as well ... hen I
install new software I put the tar.gz's / RPMS on their own partition, do
the install, and unmount the partition .... this is for back-up recovery
purposes as well.

Lonny Selinger

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