On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, you wrote:

> But I'm just wondering because, without getting into a flame war, I'm
> surprised how bad the installation of Mandrake is. 


Well I'm just your plain user and the nearest I get to any techy stuff is
designing web pages (though I am learning Java and have taught myself some C).

I found the Mandrake installation to be a breeze.  I'm using 7.1 (though
started with 6.0) and just clicked on the recommended installation and of it
went.  It found my 3dfx graphics card,  and the monitor and all I had to do was
click ok at the end.  Easy Peesy.

BTW  I am a complete Linux user having ditched Windows ages back,  now that is
hard for a newbie with all those cryptic messages as to why it crashed ( anyone
know what all those numbers actually meant )


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