> I so embarrased about asking this but how do I add a shortcut to the KDE
> desktop.  Do I right click and select New -> Application?  It says
> Program.kdelnk, but I'm not sure what to do with it.  Do I replace that is
> /usr/bin/foo or something?

You know that old quote about no bad questions...it applies here. 
You're heading down the right road, it's just a bit cryptic.

1) Once the dialog is up there and you're looking at Program.kdelnk,
change the "Program" part to be the name you want displayed below the

2) Under the Execute tab you'll have another dialog and you need to
type the name of the executable (and path) and any commandline stuff
you need/want.

3) Click on the icon and choose what icon you want associated with
this app.

4) Press Ok.

You're done.  That Program.kdelnk confused the heck out of me the
first time I saw it :-)

Cheers --- Larry

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