On Sat, 23 Sep 2000, you wrote:

Actually, I think wordperfect is an excellent word processing for linux.  I've
download it last week as was very impress by the way it performed.  It's almost
like the Windoze versions.  I think it worth the time to download.   I dont
personally like Staroffice.  It's like a Windows Mask over Linux.   Give WP a
try.  I'ld recommend it for everyone.


> On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Fabian Jennings wrote:
> >prepared to try it if there's no other way. Also, I'd try KOffice if I
> >knew where to locate it, and felt I had any chance of making a
> >successful install.
> I think you should be able to locate KOffice through Google.com, or
> otherwise from www.kde.org
> >a possible alternative to KOffice, I'm also thinking of dumping S.O. and
> >trying Corel WordPerfect for Linux. Any hope for that? If anyone else
> >out there has a suggestion for a (MS Word compatible?) word processor I
> >can use along with Mandrake, please let me know.
> You can go to www.abisource.com and get Abiword. It is a small
> wordprocessor that reads and writes MS-Office documents, but it is still
> in an early stage. Many options are not supported yet.
> I have downloaded and installed WP8 for Linux, and this does a great job
> in handling MS-Office documents also.
> >I note also that impractically slow printer and word processing
> >performance doesn't occur much as a problem on this help list. What are
> >people using their Linux-Mandrake for? Or does everyone but me have a
> >Pentium III, 800Mhz, with a gazillion MB's of RAM?
> Pentium II/400 with 128Mb of Ram. I use my machine for a lot of internet
> activities, sometimes some wordprocessing/spread-sheeting, I am running a
> Seti client 24/7, I program on this machine, play with some graphics
> through Gimp, and some other things. And often all this runs simultaneous
> and much faster than with any way of setup I have ever had possible in
> Windows.
> >I really am amazed that I'm having so much trouble getting a simple
> >desktop setup together and running when my requirements are so
> >completely basic. I was weeks getting my modem/internet connection
> >straightened out, and now this.
> It took me several months to get my ISDN card going, I had to buy a
> different video card for this machine because at the time I started again
> with Linux Mandrake (had given up on Redhat several times) the video card
> I had was not supported well (who likes 640x480 and 16 colors?)
> The Linux approach is different from Windows. Windows setup takes you by
> the hand, and it will tell you what is good for you. Often, if you do not
> agree, it will backfire on you in some way.
> With Linux, YOU are in control. But to be in control means that you have
> to know a lot of things. So, may I bid you welcome to the world of
> knowledge!
> > Oh well, I'm learning tons, and I do have my Microsoft setup to fall
> >back on. What an irony given that I started all this to get clear of
> >Bill Gates and his Bandits!
> You will get there. I cannot remove windowz because I need a program from
> work that only runs in Windoze (no luck with VMWare so far). But I run
> that only once every 6 weeks when I get a standby call.
> It took me a long time to take the step to move, but I did. And I love
> every moment afterwards, because I keep learning and knowing.
> Paul
> --
> Back off! You're standing in my aura.
> http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
>               -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

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