2000-09-21. Incoming bitstream from [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>I found that the Linux version of Acrobat reader is a dud; it does not
>work. I too have had to resort to the Windows version to read the

I did not use Acrobat's reader. I use xpdf, comes with the MDK setup and
works well for me.

>Also, the Linux version of RealPlayer is a dud. It will not open any
>files from the file menu. Perhaps version 8 is a goer but at better than
>6 megs it's a bit too much to bother with.

I downloaded Realplayer 7 from the real.com site and it works without a
glitch. Through associations, through the file menu, it even accepts

Maybe there is something else wrong in your setup?


How do I set a laser printer to stun?

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