On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Mark Johnson wrote:

> >Look at existing realities rather than speculation.  Microsoft has
> announced
> >that they will likely produce only one more MS-Office upgrade before this
> >product becomes an Internet-server distributed product.  
> >
> Why is this a bad thing (technology-wise), besides the fact that I don't
> want to 
> rent software and that the internet probably can't handle this type of
> thing.  Let's 
> say for the sake of argument that Star Office was available for free via an
> ASP and 
> the user experience would be as if s/he had it installed locally -- would
> this still 
> be a bad thing. I'm genuinely curious....

I wouldn't trust such software with my critical business needs any more
than I'd trust commercial software. If I can't see the source and fix it
as needed then I won't trust the software to run on my systems.

> >Bill Gates is a very wise businessman.       He knows that to make money you have
> to
> >create products that people will pay for.  Manufacturing air is not good
> >business as right now everyone gets it free.  In the next few years this
> will
> >be the case for desktop software.
> >
> Do we hate MS software because of Bill Gates, or because of the techical
> merit 
> of their programmers, or because of it's environment/culture, or all of the
> above.  

I don't think Bill Gates it the kind of person I'd want in my house (and
I'm sure he'd feel the same about me) but I don't know him so I can't
really hate him. He just doesn't matter much to me. For that matter I
don't hate M$ either, I just don't use any of their products on my own
machines. I know Windows and other key M$ products inside out though. You
must understand everything your systems will come in contact to get a
clear picture. I don't like corporations, big business, big government,
etc. Anything that takes my rights and my money away is bad.

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