Erylon Hines wrote:
> On Sun, 01 Oct 2000, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> > Rick:
> > In reply to your second question, yes, 7.1 does have an upgrade option.
> > I used it to move from 7.0 -- it took a long, long time -- hours as
> > opposed to the 45 minutes or so that it took to install 7.0. Since there
> > wasn't all that much non-distro stuff on the drive, it might have been a
> > better idea to backup the data, clean the disk, install the newer
> > Mandrake, configure and restore the data.
> > -- Carroll
> I agree with this.   The upgrade from mdk7.0 to mdk7.1 took 7 HOURS on my
> machine, and its a PIII @ 733mhz with 128 meg of ram.  That is a loooooong time.
> Eryl
I don't understand what happens here, I upgraded my 7.0 and it took
about 1.5 hrs to do a development upgrade. I run an AMD K6-II 400
Processor. I see all kinds of different run times and there does'nt seem
to be any rhyme or reason. Any body have an idea why the spread in
upgrade time?
Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

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