On Sun, 01 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> >>    During the 7.1 (also 7.2) install you'll be able to choose
> >> to keep your existing partitions, and which ones you want to
> >> format. So you don't need to uninstall RH, just select all your
> >> ext2 partitons for re-formatting during the Mandrake install
> This raises a couple of questions.
> (1) Must one reformat all the ext2 partitions?

   not necessarily, but the original poster was wanting to upgrade 
from RH 5.x    In that case I wouldn't try anything but a 

> If you have any kind of extensive home directory that could be a
> pain.  ON the other hand if your /home is on a different partition
> I can certainly see the benefit of formatting all BUT /home.

   doesn't make any difference, formatting in 7.x is *quick*

> (2) When Mandrake 7.2 comes out, what will be the best way to
> *upgrade* (not replace) Mandrake 7.1? I started with 7.1 on a
> clean disk and now I don't remember if there was an "upgrade"
> choice.
> -rick

    I installed 7.2 b3 yesterday.  As with every 'upgrade since 6.0, 
I save the personal and conf files I want to keep, and wipe the old 
system...and do a fresh install.  It's better and quicker than an 
upgrade.  BTW, upgrade in 7.2 is labeled 'rescue'.  AND, 7.2 beta 3 
is very rough around the edges.  I can't recommend it for less than 
the adventurous.  Wait for a release candidate or the final if you 
plan on upgrading to 7.2.  Besides some obvious Mandrake system 
bugs, I don't believe KDE2 or XF-4 is entirely there yet either
Tom Brinkman      [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Galveston Bay

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