'modules.conf' (cd-writer related)
alias scsi_hostadapter sd_mod
alias scsi_hostadapter1 scsi_mod
alias scsi_hostadapter2 ide-scsi
alias block-major-11 scsi_hostadapter

        Ok that's what mandrake setup for my cd-writer though, I always get an
error with "block-major-11" in my logs, so I figure sd_mod isn't being
loaded up, and neither is scsi_mod or ide-scsi for that matter, because
when I do a 'lsmod' it lists every other module thats supposed to be
loaded except those I listed above.  I'm not sure whats wrong, or how I
can go about fixing this....I just can't seem to figure out why those
modules are listed in modules.conf and aren't getting loaded up with the
rest of the modules.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in Advance!

        Adam :::  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Registered Linux User #84252

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