It was Oct 2, 2000, 09:51, when Austin L. Denyer keyboarded:

>I once had to re-write a system that performed around 40 different
>calculations depending on the type of data received.  Conventional
>programming (which was the way the original was written) would have had a
>subroutine for each case, with tests to check which one to jump to.  Self
>modifying code allowed me to write one block of code, with NO jumps or
>tests - the code changed itself based on the input data.

That was (and for me sometimes still is!) the way to go!
I pulled things like that on a Wang/VS system and an IBM micro S/36 that
had 128K of memory. It had to furnish services to 40 people. It was
programmed in RPG (blagh), but I put assembler into action, stuffed
registers and memory addresses all over the place and had a top
performance. I also liked the NRT's. Non Requester Terminals, kind of like
daemons. I could stick often-used routines in there, like client lookups,
and call those from any source. Depending on the caller, the NRT would
change itself and deliver what was asked.

>My successor HATED it...

LOL!!! Sounds soooo familiar!


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Is not the true Tao,
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