>  Well, we all should go down and buy their products.  I'm thinking about buying
>  the wordperfect suite.  The one thing I wouldnt buy from them is Corel Linux. 

No thanks.  If they'd actually ported their suite to Linux I'd be the first in
line but I don't need Franken-Windows applications running under Wine on my
machine.  Corel is having economic problems because their vision of what's
important to consumers is wrong.  Consumers have been more saavy than they
thought they were (your comment about Corel Linux is a case in point).  Unless
they can rethink that and respond, it doesn't matter how much money MS puts
into the company to keep them afloat (and in my opinion MS just needs
"competitors" to desperately point at) Corel will crumble.

Cheers --- Larry

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