Do I need to adjust something or does it just take a long time for
applications to startup using a window manager (KDE/GNOME).  I've got my
swap set for 256MB. I figured I have a pretty strong machine (PII400/128MB)
but linux is just dogging it.  I was thinking about getting a second machine
somewhat smaller (PII266/64MB) but at this point I can't believe that it
would be useful as a desktop...

Also, is this just a bad habit I picked from the windows world or does it
bug y'all too when you think you clicked to start an application but nothing
happens then after a while you realize that your mouse click wasn't
successful so you try clicking a again.  

It takes so long for these apps to startup, I wish that there was a "wait"
cursor to let me know that I did successfully start the application and then
I can go about my business until it finally comes up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles A Edwards [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] .bin files

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat McCauley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 9:11 AM
Subject: [newbie] .bin files

> I just downloaded Star Office 5.2 and it came in one .bin file.  How do I
> install, run, or decompress this?

It is an automatic installation program. Just double click on the downloaded
file and it will launch the installation program.( It takes it about
15-20sec to ever start.)


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