.....deep in the far reaches of the Gates islands in the large gates mansion 
runs an interesting peculiarity. as we hear the clacking away at key strokes 
we come across the horid creature of the gates and on his monitor a large 
penguin is dancing away, as the behimith screaches LINUX ROCKS!!!!!!!!!

considering microshaft helps out apple believe it or not from a quote steve 
jobs utterred "we have friends at microsoft who are more then happy to work 
on our unix based projects" this translates to me as microsoft does work woth 
unix and linux based programming and software but are not developing anything 
currently that comes strait from microshaft.

In a message dated 03-Oct-00 08:19:22 Central Daylight Time, 

<< hmm, maybe i'm just naive but so what if MS bails out Corel as far as linux
 goes.  There is/was nothing stopping MS from creating their own distribution
 of linux nor stopping them from building applications for Linux.  I can't
 believe that there aren't any MS programmers running linux at home (or at
 work) and I wouldn't be surprised to find out that apache is running
 somewhere in that company. >>

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