Mark Weaver wrote:
> I run Seti@home constantly and there's nothing wrong at all. Mine is an
> AMD K6-233. So what's your point?
> What I'd like to know is the command that he's using to start the
> program. Everything about Seti@home comes ready to go right out-a the
> box. All you have to do is untar it to it's home and call it from the
> command line. There isn't any configuring or compiling that needs to be
> done.
> Example: (to call and start the program place the setiathome binary in
> it's own directory - open a terminal window - navigate to that dir and
> issue this command)
> ./setiathome -verbose -nice 19   <ENTER>
> that's ALL there is to it. I'm not trying to be rude here but it's not
> rocket science. They've made it as simple as possible for very good
> reason. They REALLY want EVERYONE to be able to use this program to crunch
> the numbers for them.
> --
> Mark
By the way, when you run it for the first time it does go through a sort
of registration proceedure that asks for your name, e-mail , and
permissions to show your name and e-mail on the net, as well as location
of your work station, which is where I was getting the dump. Not
configuration per se but still input, and not rocket science but when it
dumps you and doesn't really say why, some help is usefull.

Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

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