> Well, my first install from the Seti@home website was still in the
> files. That may be why I was getting a core dump. Not sure. Anyway,
> accessing the file by using the correct path and adding "-nice N " the
> whole shebang started up again and is currently sitting at "baseline
> smoothing". I can't wait to see what comes of this. I do not notice any
> degradation of processor speed. Have an AMD K6 II 400MHZ onboard and it
> seems to be working well with multiple functions on the system. I have
> the klseti-0.22 loaded also and it shows a great skymap. I just haven't
> figured out how to get it to connect to the workunit I am running, so I
> can monitor the proceedings. Anyone used the klseti program and if so
> how do you get it to see the work unit in progress?  Again, any help is
> appreciated, Dennis

With klseti, click on the + button to add an instance.  It will show you a
dialog box.  Click the browse button, and select the directory that
setiathome is running in.  Click OK, and give it a name in the box over the
path.  Click OK again, et voila!


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