Dennis Myers wrote:
> I will pose the question again, since I still have not been able to find
> an answer in the Mans and online howto's, knowledge base etc. I have
> voice mail on my phone line, when someone leaves a message the phone
> will signal with a stutter tone when you activate or pick up the
> reciever. This seems to fool KPPP into thinking it is getting no
> dialtone or a busy signal, probably the later. It then signals "no
> dialtone" and stops there. Does anyone know how to make KPPP wait for
> about 5 seconds and then attempt to connect? I get tired of having to go
> to the phone and deleting messages so I can get online. TIA, Dennis
> --
> Dennis M. a registered Linux User #180842

Dennis....when you open Kppp press the setup button go to the
modem tab and press the terminal button, then type:  

AT X1   [Press ENTER Key]
AT S6=2 

If your modem supports the entire AT command set then you'll
get an OK after each [Press ENTER Key] and your modem will
ignore dial tone and begin dialing after 2 seconds the next
time you use it.  You may not see your keystrokes, but you
should see the OK.



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