My machine boots from the cdrom (or floppy, same result) and after selecting
language, then customised install I have to pick from server, normal etc.
When I do this I get a message flashed on the screen for about 1 second
"Please wait, configuring IDE". This message goes and my machine locks up,
no response to keyboard or mouse, even Crl-Alt Del wont work. Reset is the
only answer.

My machine is a celeron 300, aopen AX63pro motherboard, 128 MB ram
Two quantum 20GB disks, one on the primary of each IDE port, and a Sony
CDROM on the secondary of the secondary IDE port.
The network is a D-Link card, and the video is a Trio S3 PCI card with 4MG.
(not AGP)

 I believe the hardware is OK, RedHat 6.2 and Caldera 2.3 and windows will
load onto this machine OK. Only problem is Mandrake 7.1.

I have tried removing all partitions on the two disks, and have also tried
with a small dos partition on each.
I have looked in the archives but I seem to be the only one with install

Anyone any suggestions??


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