>  When I get to specifying the partitions, I select auto-allocate and
>  everything looks okay (does not alter hda) but when I click done I get:
>  "Partition table of drive hda(which is my win2k partion) is going to be
>  written to disk!" .

I think you're getting confused by the difference between "Drive hda" and
partition hda1, which is probably your win2k partition.  

I'm presuming that your Linux install is working on the same physical drive as
your win2k installation.  If so, each drive has only one partition table so if
you want multiple partitions, and/or are changing them, it's got to write that
table to hda.

>  Is this normal or will I lose my win2k if I click okay?  I just don't recall
>  seeing this message last time I installed it.

If the situation is as I described, then yes, it's normal.

Cheers --- Larry

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